Monday, March 23, 2009

Do A One-Eighty

Finally, time enough to get back to baking. Tried out a recipe for brownies today, from my adopted mentor. She's a friend of my father's, and stays in Kelana Jaya too. The cool thing is, she sent the recipe together with a sample of the result. I loved it. Actually, I seldom eat brownies 'cause they always seem like such short farts compared to other cakes; so I don't really know what a brownie should taste like. Ahaha.

It went pretty well; I was excited that the raw mixtures themselves tasted good already. Then I caught a whiff of that familiar burnt smell, and was so disappointed. But maybe I took it out in the nick of time, 'cause it was still edible! My oven is so hot, I can never follow the recipes' cooking times. All on my own intuition. Woman's intuition. =)

Then I just had to check the papers and see what movies I was missing; and apparently there were TOO many. So I called Yann on the double and we went to catch The International. Our official first 18SG ticket! Hehehe. She tried to get a student discount by using our old tuition student card. Dude, being 18 means we don't have
tuition anymore! Lol lah.
It was nice being on time for the movie, sitting through all the trailers and ads again. And savouring the saltiness of my corn in cup while she ploughed through her box of caramel popcorn. I've disliked caramel for ages, but perhaps there's hope, 'cause I stole more than usual today.

The International was a fast-paced, complex story of espionage and assasination. My favourite topics, but the sheer number of male characters had me perplexed.
*Where did this guy come from? Hey, he looks familiar...*-kind-of-thing. Gah.
It was also full of shooting and squirmish scenes with blood spurting out of holes in men's bodies. Gushing and nearly spraying out, lol. The most hilarious part was the beginning; funny in a twisted way. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

And by the way, with the football craze back in season, I have made my choice.
Supporter of Liverpool, that's me; since two nights ago!
They kicked ass last night, with a whopping 5-0. Oyea.

This morning, I received news that Giovana's father had undergone the operation safely and that things were fine. But when I came out from the movies, I got a completely different message that brought me to an actual halt. I remember freezing in front of the Voir Gallery, right there. He had just been diagnosed with nose cancer. And the lump in his neck? Cancer cells that had spread. In fact, most of his body has already been infected. This is my closest encounter with a reputed terminal illness, and I am afraid. I know nuts about cancer.

How much calamity can God throw in your pathway? One after another, it seems. There's the sunshine, far overhead. So far.

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