Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Colour to Say It All

And it brings to mind
old people sitting at an angle, oblique, oblivious to the passing minutes
yet willing them away with the absence of will to do more than sit.
There is a nothingness in the air ahead of them
and gladly would they join it
if only

if only we would let them.
Feels like we're pressing something into a hand within whose very veins
blood shuffles - reluctant.
There's a lot of pain involved
and the last thing we need
is more.

This time I don't hide the knives.

There is too much to record, I can't keep up with my own life, blogwise!
The monster post in the making for Sept and Oct I think will have to remain in the morgue; right now ready your hearts 'cause I have recent writings, a hodgepodge:

I know now that if I had to choose, it'd be writing over dancing. This is my explanation.
Drop everything. That's what I do sometimes when the need to write is compelling. It may be a half-folded T-shirt, a toothbrush, the dishwashing gloves, a fork and its partner, a bunch of keys; I leave and don't return until I've written everything out.

The shuffle, the meeting of eyes, the impulsive smile. As the vendor counted out my change, the smiler named her plate's contents. It was a puzzling garble until I caught "chicken"; the words seemed to tumble out of her mouth, as though anxious to express meaning to a listening stranger. Vaguely that's when I realised she was disabled; a second glance showed mildly deformed limbs, and suddenly her lacking in stature made more sense. In that quick moment a feeling of gladness also registered itself, a sweetness from having smiled with my heart.

It started with
The circle of stones I made for my favourite tree, and when it died I visited its grave nightly just so it wouldn't feel forgotten.
I've never lived in a house without palm trees. One day I came home and they were all chopped away. It feels slightly barren sometimes, remembering the shapes they made on the ground, and me trying to fit both my bike and myself into one of those shapes so we could escape the scorching noon heat while I searched for red dates to cook. I only took those that were smooth, unblemished. Some, which exposed husky strands soaked in a sickly orange, I inspected curiously before silently chastising the squirrel that had left it half-eaten. Finally I'd have scavenged enough or else the heat would get to me and I'd retire indoors after stashing away the day's gatherings.
Just like a squirrel.

"Goodbye, madamoiselle~"
Still young enough to speak nonsense that means nothing and everything at the same time. Nothing because a grownup cynic would scoff at your mindless choice of words; everything because I hear the loving fluorish you added just to make another moment between us.
The next day's ramble was hilarious what with hitch-hiking (which you never see in Malaysia), my little sheep straying across the Lake Gardens, and one mini me being lugged up all the uphills (on a right shoulder I didn't know could ache so), and Cola lips all around.

And I finally got back on the saddle, not to mention the beautiful aisles of books. A place I simply get lost in, and it's nothing to do with my sense of direction. =P

Bit of gravel on my bag. Catch my breath, let me.
Just the slightest bit gingerly, I kicked back the stand and swung onto the pedals. A sense of liberation rolled through me, like a child who'd found her field of flowers. Breezing across the streets, I surprise myself with the surge of control from narrowly avoiding a squashed rat. Oddly enough, it intermingles with an equal lack of control; potholes hoist a redder flag now, rivalled only by roadgrilles like the one I rode into the day of my first Acceptance. We had to wheel my bike home.
Back in the present, I relish once more the in-between speed of cycling. Driving was too fast, isolated from the real world; walking was to slow, the same reality followed you for too long. Cycling feels the right amount of real. The strongest feeling though, was one of homecoming. And it wrapped me, this motion I've known even before pre-school.

I remember clearly a single image of my figure looking out the window, into a grey February morning. I remember how the branches intertwined in broken harmony against the bleakness of an iron sky - how I knew you didn't see the same things I did, or feel the same things I felt!

Rapunzel is the best movie I've seen in months! And I met my first Kirsten, that dolluva girl who held tight for reasons unknown to me. Or anyone else, for that matter. I won't forget that fierce, dictative knock and her walking in for a goodbye hug that felt so genuine.

Crazy weekend and week up ahead. I love every bit of planning!

Oh the title? A sudden obsession a few days back where I went
I need to find a colour that expresses my feelings perfectly.

At that moment, I needed something more than words, I needed something that would stare back at me with strength equal to all I was feeling inside. Something like a buffer to catch me from tipping over.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is hurting me all over again.

I was curled up with a book in my favourite seat after eons deprived of this luxury, I'd wrinkled my brow in sympathy for the protagonist, and laughed at a smart bit of comic by the author; when suddenly, still holding the book but detached from it, I started tearing.

And it wouldn't stop.

I haven't cried this way for months. I was going fine, I'd made my Decision, why'd you have to pop up again like a d*mn weed when all I want is to be able to look out my window and smell the roses?

The repeated irony never fails to turn up a corner of my mouth - makes me laugh, even. I'm sure now God has a sense of humour in His timing and I'm glad to know this side of Him but that last time, it wasn't funny. More like exasperating and impossible.

Today I drove on the road where you realised we'd forgotten the chicken sandwich. And I stood on the black black escalators in an outfit that wasn't purple.

I miss the way you blink and how it undermines the seriousness of the topic, and of your stoneface.
I miss the way you walk on your toes, always odd to me but at the same time so a part of you that it, too, I embrace.
And I miss the way you speak, with that little upward inflection at the introductory line when you're explaining something to me.
I miss being part of your life, 'cause - face it - you're still very much part of mine.

And that is why I got rid of seeing bits of the life of someone who doesn't want to know about my life,
why I walked mechanically and felt my own face turn to stone,
why I won't pick up when Nobody is calling.

I know now, firsthand, that the ones who experience the highest peaks, the most radiant joy, are the same ones who go through the emptiest tunnels, the deepest grief. And that's the reason why I would need someone of a more moderate temperament. Two of my kind would only destroy each other.

My mind, it connects everything to something else I know. It's wonderful, I appreciate this innate ability but when it comes to you, it only makes me want to disconnect heart and mind. It makes me feel like being born without this way of thinking seems more like a superpower than anything else. An orange will always be an orange to you. But to me, it is laughter, kindness and a mini caveman.

Just like how the mention of grilled chicken is enough to make me squint in amusement, 'cause in my mind's eye you're wearing an apron and it's the most unmanly thing you've ever worn.
Imagine this happening every day with every saucer of chilli I push aside, every time I put on my contact lens and remember a broken promise, every custard concoction I see when I enter a bakery, every ...everything.

It's true that if a guy wants to find you, he will.
But it's also true that if a girl doesn't want to be found, she won't be.

I cried and cried. When I returned my father's call, I wasn't even coherent. Took an hour to get ready for supper with him. We talked about cares greater than my own, impending losses more calamitous than mine, and for a picture I remember the garlic naan that looked more like a pizza. Also, I learnt to never have garlic naan the last thing before going to bed, 'cause it stays in your throat and greets you first thing in the morning.

Still it drizzled heavily.
I came home in a quieter state of mind and read what Jaf had to say. And started crying again, not so much out of sadness this time but because I was deeply moved,
for he'd said everything I needed to hear. =')

Then my fairy godbrother called and for the second time that night I sobbed into the phone with a shocked man on the other side.
And these loving people, they picked up my shards and set me on my feet again.

You're like a disease that won't be cured. Luckily my best friend is a doctor-to-be.
Actually, that's not relevant. =P
I'm just glad to know (or rather, have known) you both.


The card whose delivery made me go,
"I never want to do something so stupid for a long, long time."

Monday, November 15, 2010


Feeling achey all over, blue, and slightly fatigued.

A party period?
So not sexy.

I've tried to find a way around it,
tested to see if it would ring any less true, but

I know I cannot be happy being a scorer of mediocre grades.

Yes, I've outgrown the rigid Asian mentality of straight-A's defining my worth,
have shed most of the inhibition which once cloaked me in what the public called aloofness,
have gained also a greater measure of belief in pursuing my ideals
- even if it means going it alone.

I know what I want now.
And I won't let this happen again.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Quietude In Passing

Another one gone, this same year.

There will be
the walking through space
wrestling belief that something will happen with the next step you take
something that will bring him back, closer to you
or you to him
anything to lessen the pain

the smelling of linens as you fold them away
preserving the all you felt for him
and he for you
before separation snatched him from your safe harbour
the inward strain of ears
to remember his voice
anything that used to be.

Of fathers and husbands

Every reminder that tells them he is no longer here, every glance that shows them the void he would otherwise now occupy, I know it,
I know it because I've been through a shade of it - once like a clouded daybreak, once again like a rainstorm that surges back and forth.

But these are living people I speak of. Theirs are not.

So how much more would their heart ache, to the very heartseams which I yet know not of - and pray it remain so for long enough a time.

Love is a frightening glory, as great and comforting as it is devastating. It can give you the world the very same time it can take it all away, because the moment you gain something, it's yours to lose.

* Title verb refers to the act of passing away, as well as the walking action of mourners paying last respects. And for this author, a reflective passing of thoughts.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Around The Corner

Elsewhere, the night air would be sweet.
Here, it is too, but only because it is scentless. Void of power to move me through the sense most evocative of memories.
Tonight I escape the captivity of scents which accompany stale textbooks, new paper, perfumed cards, corroding metal; no smell of black ink, oversized jackets, rose shampoos and apricot scrubs.

Some part of me wonders at my approval of this emptiness; why does it not alarm? why not overwhelm like the sense of loss it could represent?,
I think as I breathe in the clean scent of a hope without you.

After all that's happened, I'm living with the people in my mind - once again faceless, nameless; figures waiting to be brought to life, just like what happened
that day around the corner.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Out There

Step in time, love, step in time,
live inside the morning

- Susan Stewart -

First time in ages I've missed a whole month of blogging. There's been no time, and life after CAL is about to begin - I'm counting down the days on my fingers (and toes).

Amidst the hard work and days moving both fast and slow,
my perspective and viewpoint have undergone shifts;
some come in surges, others in gentle undertones which strengthen as life's events dictate conviction.

I'm on a learning streak, finding it in me to embrace life for its subtle joys, tantalising possibilities, and less subtle - but no less precious - growing pains.
Again I say, to embrace life for these, and not despite these.

Here's to living bigger, undiminished.
To the people I love, we've got a masterpiece to make of our lives.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

All This Sunlight Floods My Soul

It's another beautiful day.

Waiting to collect photos of goings-out.
Meanwhile, here are several unposted favs. =)

There's gonna be some dancin', some groovin',
'cause I've got my solar tank filled to the brim.

I love this, crinkly ocean effect.

~Sun worshipper~

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Fine Like Buteeeeeeeeeerr"

All-effective remedy for one SwirlDancer:

Heaps of sunshine.

Of course, ice-cream and crackers wouldn't hurt either.

Picture above shows poundcake and peach compote, yumm.

There is an airy feeling, a lightness inside me. I've been writing loads, reading regretfully little, worrying occasionally and picking myself up - repeatedly.
With so many things on the agenda, the bright-eyed planner in me sometimes - but rarely - fears there may not be enough time to achieve them all. But it gives meaning and flavour to an otherwise plain existence as man.

To be just man, without plans, without dreams, is unthinkable. And here lies the rub; a dreamer may be one who floats with her head in the clouds, a dreamer may also likely be the one who falls hardest when the bubble is burst from beneath her dreaming form; she hurtles through space, clutches at time, and lands on leaves of brittle stem in the glen below. Her homeland.

Yes, I have been disappointed time and time again, not just as man, but as dreamer. Despite the sidelong glances ever present from Risk, I don't suppose this part of me will change; bruises heal slow in this fragile flesh, but I am not afraid.

Trials ended for me yesterday, then it was straight out after dinner for some downtime with my VP. I'm so glad she waited for me; Step Up 3 came out a loong time ago in dance movie time!
We hurried from work, from home, and settled in place long before the lights were dimmed for 3D action - meaning I did not, contrary to usual practice, go in late for the movie. Eheh.
I'm still thinking about how, when I left the theatre, no words would come to my tongue to describe what I'd just seen. "Awesome" was too weak a word. This is a movie that lived up to expectations; stunning choreography throughout, sicK breaking; the first qualifying rounds I especially favoured for its raw, fierce energy.
In a word with best fit, it was DOPE.

Legacy Perez, my muse for his inspirational brand of breaking.

No conventional ballet-meets-street-dance routines here; this was entirely off the hook with moves so fresh and gritty I could barely blink for fear of missing a step. Then there was the effortlessly lighthearted Broadway-styled number between Moose and Camille; it turned my mouthends up and even let loose an unsuppressed giggle or two. Charming to a fault. Tango too was used to great effect and managed to look classy instead of the usual borderline tacky.

Accent move before movie's finale choreography

Another plus point was the storyline, which evidently had received more attention this time round - thank goodness. Instead of being a mundane vehicle to get us from danceclub to the showdown, this one made a brave attempt at portraying its male protagonist as something more than just a devoted dancer.
I should stop now. But not before saying, the whole sense of family in the movie... reminded me immensely of the peeps over at Subang! ^ ^

Drove over to Sunway Giza and chilled awhile more before parting, each with thoughts enough to keep her up for hours still. In Lienn I've found a fellow dreamer; one who made me realise I'm not victim to the brittle stems that await our kind when the rainbow gloss vanishes; one who showed me I'm stronger even than I think.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Everywhere Aches

Please, I just need somewhere to cry. To show myself.

Now I know why I get on the fast lane. So I can get home, fast; I keep thinking of how I should be afraid of crashing into another car in this state.
Yes I can soothe your pain, relieve your anger, stand by you and stay up as long as you need me to, my dears. But for a moment tonight I felt I'd been a listening ear, advisor and encourager; now who was going to be mine?
With wide open eyes I listened to my girl sobs as my hands steadied the wheel.

Suddenly I felt so afraid. It never occurred to me to.
I feel so tired. Everywhere aches. But there is no pillow for my heart, no shoulder for my head and I can't rest my body. I must go on. There will always be trouble at inopportune times such as these, but I have two essay papers tomorrow and I must go on.

Flashes of Reality

Clippings from recent yesterdays:

I'm at peace.

Brings tears to my eyes.
Every time.
Thank you for loving me.

Had a leisurely, quietly industrious morning in the sweet sunshine. I love this tranquil presence in me.

Hamlet for president!

You can call me anytime, in tears in heartache, and I'll be there for you.

Without knowing it, I'd made your day; and though it was not the best timing, it felt great! I liked hearing about your plans, your motivations, and how you're gonna give it all a shot even if just for knowledge's sake. It makes my world a little more meaningful, to see someone reaching just the same way I am.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Scaling Glass Walls

Girl, why're you crying here?
The signs stop making sense
and you can't tell why the sudden
hurt so thick, can't see the road
for lights of streaks, every time
you blink.
Why're you driving in the fast lane?
when all you want is to go slow, and
go back where you belong.

Never peeled your own potatoes
Never had to scale glass walls
Never had so little to say while
trying to look happy.
Never thought of how, weblike, the
traffic lights could glare trapped
between your lashes.

But I will - always - carry your tea mug
behind, no matter how many times I
drive in the fast lane
without knowing why

fell out love's cradle;
I was never meant to be a baby,
always always I had to grow up
before my time

with the exception of life's sweetest days,
scores and hundreds of them
strung together in your presence. Then I tripped at the knot.

Dropped my keys - did not pick them up;
did not stop did not care did not look
until I'd reached blank sheet.

You see without looking,
hear without listening,
are here without being,
and I feel I'm alone.

So let me be; from the rooftops I'd
wanted to shout it out, now I just need to find my way down

to a safe place.
Where they keep their promises.

Author's note: Written one shot. Unembellished thoughts; merges everything important, or which was important, to me.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Imported ThDC

Jam-packed week and -end. Been floating in the 'sick' region for nearly a week now; darn sore throat threatened to ruin my Wed Psych presentation but it suddenly cleared two hours before. Deliberately cut classes for the first time - two days in a row. Once to sleep in hopes of recovery, and once to burn rubber to Subang.

Last dance practice on Wed.

Last dance performance on Thurs. At least, until A2 ends in late Nov. =(

Thurs also happened to be Yee Fai's birthday; good thing it coincided with Subang's ECA Drive and they invited us to perform!

The circumstances were bad though; it was an outdoor affair and had rained thoroughly beforehand. The stage was soaked and I had to detour to pick up a hard copy of our soundtrack. Thank goodness I still made it in time.
Didn't know we were the first ones on; I hate rushing right before a performance. After rolling on the waterlogged stage and successfully ruining my hair within the first twenty seconds, I was only satisfied that I jumped decently high compared to past stage attempts!

Gosu on his way down.

After the nerves it was plain chilling.

ThDC cousins in attendance at TDC senior's birthday celebration! =)

It was good getting to know Subang more; we went to Fullhouse which I've been wanting to try for ages!

My father's now in Bangkok on seriously the best business trip. A man, an array of fishing equipment, and a body of water full of monster fish. Epic.

I looked up the firm he's checking out and found... Now this is passion.

Through fishing trips with local Thai anglers; conversations with them over many long days and nights; listening to lectures and applying all that to personal experimentation, I learned and perfected an entirely different way to fish.

Whether you're a beginner or seasoned angler ; whether you look to fish alone, with family, friends or companions; whether your budget is modest or generous; our team will help you forget - in just one day - the constraints and pressures of your hectic working life.

As far as fishing is concerned, I humbly admit that this old fisherman has learnt quite a few new tricks!
Is it not fantastic to be able to write such things, with all my experience, at 71 years of age?

It will be THE fishing event of the beginning of this millennium for Bangkok, for Thailand…my last love !

What a beauty.

Today was a full day out, productive but I'm so tired.

Things changed a little bit more on Tuesday. And even more yesterday.
I've missed being outdoors for too long. Everyday cooped up without seeing the different moods of the sun I love, forsaken in an iceberg of a concrete slab. So I went for a walk without telling anyone and it was just like last time. Even coming home, just like last time.

There was too much inside me. Too many thoughts, emotions, nuances, recollections, imaginings.
I wrote, and I wrote.

And I found myself again.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Silence Converges

I love all this synergy.
The way we of contrasting styles pit our efforts to overcome our differences.
The way we ask for criticism and improve upon it, with open arms.

Monday, August 2, 2010

At the Speed of Song

I won't hide from the light of day;
gonna dance 'til these doubts fall away.

Like sunbeams from behind skylines,
Like teardrops to my lap,
Like ribbons from the greatest gift,
And harsh words from your tongue.

...all long ago.

Just fall away.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Sudden faith. More reason to doubt less. I'm not really worried; I just know things will work out.

And I have the patience to see the "know" through. Or I will get the patience to, darn it! =P

Not Perfectly

There I was, perched on a pinnacle. After the fearsome weekend, I felt strong. And I was strong. It showed in my drive, my fearless glance, and the bright smile which lasted - 'til Thursday.

Monday was a bustle of errands.

Tuesday, first training session with Denise for this Saturday's Talent Fest. The most last-minute routine I've done, with choreography from scratch. Reached Segi after 45 minutes in the after hours jam. But it was great; I forgot the pain in my heel where the skirting stabbed it, and just danced with abandon, late into the night.

Shakespeare knew "pleasure will be paid, one time or another", as in my case, since I slept less than 4 hours that night and paid the price in a sudden dip of energy after Wednesday. Maybe my endurance wouldn't have given out just yet, with adequate sleep. But certainly, I'm living without you. Not doing it perfectly, but I am.

Wednesday was another training session with hardly any training done, hahaha. In fact, I was already slightly feverish - still am - and the hours flew by in an intense heart-to-heart with Denise. The air was all hope and strength; tears in her voice, laughter and merriment, sweetness and goodness mingled as our tongues wagged fast and furious.

"One in a million."

I won't forget the new meaning that phrase took on as she described her other half, and I found myself completely identifying with her. Dance called out, steps were in need of creation, but we sat down and just - shared.

Thursday night went out with Sean for a Shopping Mission. Indecision struck hard, darn it. But it was good seeing him again.

The Friday we'd been gearing up for rolled around. I was tired, left class prematurely to come down to an incomplete booth, and felt the old harried feeling rising in me. As in the days before I met him. Before he always fixed my problems and made me see things look better when we take a step back.
Our elaborate deco plans paid off at least; we got into the Top Ten Booths again!
I felt down, but strangely enough, this has been a day of many highlights. The sobering, uplifting, enlightening kind.

I started writing this in a moment of weakness. In every situation where my insides are threatening to combust or wither, in significant highs or lows, I write. Writing is my salvation.

Good news: My current diary has run out of empty pages, so I get to pick a new one.
Bad news: You may not feature in it.

Mere hours later,
Sean and Jaf announce they're coming over in 5.

They surprise me with a hot chocolate and it's the first Starbucks drink ever that I finish to the last sip! =] We talk. and talk. We theorise, debate and muse and I wear my worried expression alternated with my LOL one. And nearly squirt hot chocolate out my nose.
I was loathe to let them go but at least it's a cosy ending to Jaf's 19th birthday; being shooed out the compound at the stroke of midnight. =P

Then I got it. I feel so cared for, and blessed; I have them and 'nett darling and Douggie. And of course I know, somewhere out there, if Naj knew what I was going through she'd be right there swearing or blabbering a mile a minute for me. And that's good enough for me.
Here's something I thought of earlier; this week, I feel I've aged some. But also learnt some. And I'm growing, I'll pick myself up. Sometimes God says Yes, sometimes He says No.
He has said neither to me. So that means His third answer applies - Wait.

My take on love?
A recent memory;

"In actual fact, Papa is a terrible person."
-Papa himself-

Maybe I see the truth in it, but you're still my Superman.

Accepting someone for all they are.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Last stretch of our teens, homegirl.

Somehow I'd always kept this for you, knowing it would find its way into your hands

Do You Remember?

Squeezing in all the love I can.

Long-time neighbour, friend and life influence.

To let completely go of what we had... would be sacrilege.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't Look For A Floor

June 4th to 6th

Most important examination in my life so far; and yet, the most relaxing one.
The days flew by, panic and peace co-existing in a manner previously unimagined.

Within hours of shading the last answer in my AS,
I bid goodbye to both my favourite teacher and guy, bundled into Vinna's Cross Polo and began the vacation business without delay. X)
These were to be my HolidayHolidays before settling down for the 4-month grind preceding A2. Those four months will see me adopting a different approach to college life; something I'd always thought ideal but never found possible.

Carmen, Hong Onn, Yang Kang and I arrived at the home of Vinna's grandparents in Ipoh by evening.
Stately and lavishly furnished, it seemed we couldn't have had better free accomodation!

The stairway that had Carmen and I gushing about Beauty and the Beast.

There were graceful columns flanking the main doorway, Italian imports making up the dining set, motionless figures watching from their portrait prisons as you traversed the upper hallway,
but one particular feature which struck my fancy were the plaster murals - large painted works with a pleasing paperlike texture, mounted seamlessly onto walls.

On our last morning there I discovered a pretty one underneath the grand stairway, depicting a pair of windows opening out into a starry night. The classic teddy bear waiting by the windowsill lent a whimsical touch, reminiscent of the desire all soft toys have to run and play, as popularised by Enid Blyton.

Nearly as intriguing was a well-sized globe just behind me, white and unassuming.
Well, it didn't interest me very much until I took a closer look at Mexico which seemed to be shaped out of... red quartz. And look! Yugoslavia over there might be made of turqoise! Suddenly every nation on that globe took on a more impactful purpose of being there; they were all made of precious stone.

Strolling through the many rooms, I stumbled upon this sight - it took my breath away.
All around was pink and draped curtains, and the feeling of emptiness beckoning me to run for my luggage and establish myself here, right now, in this

fairy room!

I learnt something between then and now;

How to ignore the sensation of falling...
Don't look for a floor.

Yeah I always used to wonder who'd catch me when I fall,
said years ago
I promise I'll be here for myself, even if no one else is.

And to think
I used to write your name in the misted mirrors of yesterday,
used to dream and smile and then lay both down 'cause there was no truth in your eyes.
No more dreaming
No more reaching
'Cause you weren't worth my tears; I cried for the grey morning that now turned pain against me.

For a while at least

But I wouldn't let hope die; I dreamed on 'til you found me.

It was an odd reverie, that Monday night.

It was as though the past several hours of unconscious, enveloping comfort suddenly wobbled and - under the weight of thought - warped into a specimen for inspection. A prod. A wriggle. A need to be fully conscious; an unexplaination for this internal pantomime.

A place which felt like home
but wasn't mine.

Why, of all things, am I in possession of the need to think about happiness? More specifically, of happiness when I have it. When it's a constant presence in my life.
Sometimes I cannot figure myself out.

Tea at the curiosity-inciting Indulgence!
Best free meal I've ever had.

I liked the personal feel of the menu-listed names,
the warm and vibrant colours everywhere including the washroom,
and the originality of their offerings.
(Most of them, anyway.)

After a whole day on our feet
and a cardio workout for our wallets. XD

Our lovely host Vinna is seen here crouching in embarrassment 'cause her shopping bags were outside in a truck waiting for us to make way.
I'm kidding; she didn't buy anything 'cause she was going to Singapore for her shopping instead. =P

Girl Meets Life Aspiration

Nahh, how about

Easily Removable Clothing (no sleeves to turn inside out)
Loaded Wallet (cash or card, pick your poison)
Store-powered Stamina (as long as there are shops in sight, she keeps on going!)
OoohYeahBaby Environment
Shopaholic Unleashed ^ ^ *Rawrr*

Shoe-shopped 'til I dropped!

All cosied up

June 11th

After weeks and days of being kept in the dark, Kendrick's plans were unveiled to me at last. And it still makes me want to laugh, 'cause he's not the kind who plans faaar in advance - he's not like me.

The rain called for a change in plan; he had that covered and the evening went fine and dandy at Kenny Vale.
Then he took me for a play - Beauty and the Beast.
First of all, I've always wanted to be brought to see a play - without having to ask.
Secondly, the past few years have got me curious about Sri Cempaka's annual productions - seemingly topnotch by school standards.
He shot two arrows through my one heart that night.

The opening was promising; elaborate props and style-appropriate costumes.
Then the first highlight of the play happened for me: when Belle sang her sweet high notes to tell us that the protaganist of her favourite book wouldn't appear "'til chapter three~". Even in the movie, that moment always stood still for me.

Quality work all through; a faithfully followed script, a delightfully dashing and debonnaire Lumiere, a beautiful and accurately-timid Belle with a splendid voice to match, and another character worth noting was Gaston - devilish in his cocky arrogance. =D

Midnight drew near; Cinderella alighted with a smarting ankle out of the pumpkin we did not - after all - purchase.
After the day's earlier formalities - to suit me, what transpired was as natural and unceremonious as someone like him could have wished for.

And I set off his house alarm within minutes of becoming his girlfriend.

June 12th

Anan and I went to Plus8 for dinner.
Expected a mamak since it looked like Rasta from afar but it was a little more upscale than that - a high-class mamak! Hahah

Wide choice of Western and Chinese; we settled for rice and dishes since the Lychee Chicken sounded tempting - and turned out simply delicious! Had that together with Mayonnaise Prawns - fresh, generous helping.

He sat back before the plates were cleared and let me do the honours. So I was pret- make that very full by the end of dinner.

But I had to do justice to the beautiful cake he surprised me with; baked mere hours ago by his pastry chef friend in Sheraton where he works.

Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake
Topped with strawberries, raspberries and gold leaf.

Week Three of June

A lively one of Going Out and reacquainting myself with the piano.

Watched Karate Kid with Kendrick, followed by rock climbing which left me powerless to wear any of the five pairs of shoes I'd bought in Ipoh - flipflops were the only footwear that wouldn't hurt. Life's irony. =P

Talked all day long with 'nett, quality bonding time despite a dreadful ulcer. Cheap and delicious lunch at HongKong Point, Centrepoint!
Music practice at night, and a headache.

Monster tummy upset for my soulmate Najjua. Recovered in time for us to have tea at Tutti Frutti regarding which she made the
Quote of the hols: "I gotta kluakan monay dulu. Is a gold diggin place man."

Prom Night
which I totally skipped, ahah.
Spent it with Kendrick instead, and an express snack-smuggling operation, and The A-Team.

Two music practices in one day which quite drained me.

Father's Day, on which my father gave an afterthought call to say
"Don't come for dinner just because it's Father's Day, if you're tired,"
which sounded silly to me 'cause of course I'd go no matter what; naps were meant for that purpose!

June 21st & 22nd

Was dreadfully late for our Solaris date, but things righted themselves soon enough.
A whole day with Kendrick, what else could I ask for?
To my satisfaction, we did spring-cleaning for his wardrobe and part of his room; Meet the Family didn't really work out hahah, but little Kenneth made up for it by insisting he stay at home with us instead of following everyone else to the airport. =)

Lake Gardens, where a frog hurtled onto his shoulder and bounced off me, and into the night.
Kendrick stomping around looking to kill the bugger.

Tea at Delicious with Kendrick.
Done, done, done.
Both families taken care of.

June 23rd

Day out in Cheras, hosted by Carmen. The Korean bakery - and the sole attraction of South City Plaza - was closed, so all I bought there was a scrunchie.
Went on to do the Mines where I got a new schoolbag and a pair of flipflops. I knOw this is the third pair I've gotten these hols, but it's in a whole different league, I'm serious!! X)

Continued the eating at Connaught night market - longest in the Klang Valley - without a cent in my pocket (figuratively, since I never do keep anything in my pockets).
Denied myself many purchases but still had a decent time on borrowed money.

And now with a play tonight and three more appointments to keep, I hereby announce myself flat broke.
Let the congratulations pour in.