Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Butter Me Up

Been waking up at 7 a.m. since I returned. Puhtooey. 7 a.m. here is like, 12 p.m. in NZ. It's strange to think that I'm not likely to wake up late again; as though some divine intervention has broken that bad habit by sending me on a long vacation 5 time zones ahead. Brilliant.

Like my 10-year-old self, I suddenly had conditions for going out with friends. First, finish sorting the vacation pics - which I still haven't, but shhhh! Second, bake a something. Anything.

Immediately I knew it would be scones, 'cause scones seemed the simplest.

Sugar, butter,
Cream them together
Add milk and flour
To the baking powder
Fresh outta the oven

Get a taste of heaven XD

To be eaten with only the best; St. Dalfour Wild Blueberry jam.

Lip-smacking goodness, to the last berry!

Pile it on, baby

Clotted with jam, the way it should be

Makes a satisfactory breakfast =)

In return, I got to go out with 'nett - my first hangout since arrival! Shocked her with my new appearance. She looks very sweet nowadays herself. Since she became a college girl, actually. Ahaha. We picked up our reservation for Bride Wars and debated dropping by to see Ju. But I declined; was not ready to let her see me yet. It's just a feeling I had.

Spotted lots of friends working in OU. First I went to look for Machines, 'cause I didn't know what the heck that was and Fritz works there. Apparently, I already knew it, but only as the '
Apple store'. Lol. I've always envied their beatiful, sleek keyboards. So chic.
Then we had
Aiman Zubair tearing our tix at the GSC entrance, with Zuhdi and Amir (who looks so much better, by the way; like he cleaned up his look or something).
Bride Wars is a very nice movie. Highly watchable; it even made me cry! Which hasn't happened in a kazillion years. It's good to see a flick that embodies the spirit of friendship this well. They even got the part where a man canNOT replace a bff (best friend forever). Aww.
Lastly, we went to look for
Jafri in MPH. I wasn't even sure if he was in OU punye MPH. But I caught hold of Aida, and she got Jaf for me. Shah and Kiki were also in service there. And for reasons known to Jaf&'nett, I may soon be joining their ranks... XD Chatted with Jaf for more than half an hour, thus saving him from the task of mindlessly peeling stickers off the books, which was his job in the back room at that moment. Loads of laughter seemed to be the order of the day, and perhaps we both miss Sean just as much. Sean, the college boy who still owes us lunch. Hmph.

Being with my babe was just brill. We caught up over churros (spanish doughnuts) and hot chocolate at
Molten Lava. Next, I need to get my evasive soulmate into my grasp. She came back from Malacca yesterday, and is still holding my souvenirs from last year! Gosh, talent for being outdated? Nyeknyek.

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