Monday, February 23, 2009

Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands

11 o'clock in the morning.
*Waiting, with bag neatly packed*

11.30 a.m.
*Still waiting*

12 noon minus 20 minutes.
*Honk honk!*

And I go, "Finally."

With Yann at the wheel, we set off on a quest for some answers to our queries concerning our ENTIRE FUTURE.

*Reality check*

Probably not the entire future, but close enough. Our first stop was the Mobil petrol station; where we only formed new questions, such as : "Why do some idiots like to park in front of the tyre pump?" Pfft.

And then it was off to Help college. Going there was fairly easy, but the parking in Pusat Bandar practically sucks. The levels are counted downwards; where it's dark, sometimes narrow, and the site of numerous rubbish dumps - some of those little rooms flooded with filthy water. The grossness is already worth a decided cross on the Ideal College Checklist. Oh, not to mention, a very hostile sweeper woman who barked at us when we just wanted to ask for directions. Must be the working environment down there, lol.

Yann and I took a walk round the main building, with walls frequently lined by display after display of clubs and organisations. Like it was back to school, only worse because at times those glass cases never seemed to end. The effect of the rippling pond beneath a flight of stairs was rather pretty, though. It was near there that we sat down with a counselor.

With a twinkle in his eye, he broke the ice pretty quickly for me. I thought that was good. But as our discussion progressed, I found him rather unhelpful in the way he kept asking "What is it that you want to do?" Dude, if I knew just what I wanted to do, I wouldn't be here to see you. And Yann said my face looked as though I wanted to sock him there and then. Hah. Admittedly, all that cutting-me-while-I-was-halfway-explaining was beginning to get on my nerves.
At least he cleared up some stuff about A-levels. That helped. Not a wasted journey, then.

We left, laughing silently 'cause he was one of those elderly men (old people, in general) who continued talking long after we thought the conversation had ended. "Next time, we don't do old-men-counselors." Deal. =P One thing I'd like about studying at Help; the bounty of stores and eateries at its doorstep. There's even a friggin' Giant supermarket there!

Then it was the search for lunch, 'cause I was really hungry. The Pie Shop seemed out of operation and Pizza Hut was fullhouse, so we drove over to Bangsar and settled on Cipolla, a rather sophisticated joint that served Ravioli for RM34 on average. *Drool* Only, it wasn't served to us lah, today. Maybe another time. =) We ordered two set lunches instead and I was taken with the snowy white appearance of their lemon ice-cream. So pristine, it resembled shaving cream. The sourness was just right, but it was a little tooo sweet.

After running back to the car in the rain and checking for no ticket *phew*, we made a beeline for The One Academy. And camped outside it for awhile, hoping the downpour would lessen enough for us to make a dash to safety. Fat hope. At least we grabbed a parking spot right in front of the shoplots (of which TOA is made of). Yann even made contact with the curb, "so that we're as close as possible to the shelter". Hahaha.

Over here, we had a pleasant young woman to brief us and take us on a tour of the academy. I must say, the programs on offer there seem satisfactory and well-organised. Sohsoh quite approves of Yannee enroling there. =] My favourite part was exploring the Exhibition Corridor, where my fingers were free to run over coloured artwork; the intricate drawings of bright artists. Some were witty, some a little plain, and some just took my breathe away. *Blink blink*

At 6 p.m., we headed to Giant Kota Damansara to do my grocery shopping. Roads were jammed, of course. I should try to keep track of my days and dates; now that school's out, they don't seem to matter anymore. Yann's a bonafide Shopping Partner by Default; her talent even works in a supermarket! That simply means that she's an asset to me for shopping, unlike certain people who claim the same title without the skills to back them up. In two words, tin kosong!

Reached home beat and tired. Sore throat from laughing too much and crapping to make the laughs snowball into hysterics. She and I, we're certified Crappers. XD

What's in it for me, at the end of the day?
A slight certainty that A-levels was my original choice for a reason, and that reason has remain unchanged. Now all that's left to decide on is : GCE or Cambridge?

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